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Lori is a third-generation Japanese American baby boomer and a descendant of the samurai warrior. She is a multidimensional individual on a mission to empower others to reach their God-given potential, no matter their path, heritage, or circumstances.

Lori is an author, speaker, life coach, and storyteller, and is passionate about sharing the code of Bushido and her Japanese heritage at universities, TEDx stages, libraries, and cultural venues across the West Coast. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Portland State University.


Let the Samurai Be Your Guide inspires and encourages readers to embrace their inner warrior—a figure of reason, sound judgment, and outstanding moral character—by understanding that personal power and success doesn't necessarily derive from physical prowess or effective attack strategies.

Instead, readers learn that leading lives of fullness and meaning can be achieved by applying Bushido principles of courage, integrity, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor and loyalty.

Let the Samurai be your Guide
Ancient Samurai Clothing
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